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Don't Ruin Your Family Vacation: Why Using a Lanyard for Your Disney Pins is a Potentially Disastrous Rookie Mistake - The Shocking Truth Revealed!

Don't Ruin Your Family Vacation: Why Using a Lanyard for Your Disney Pins is a Potentially Disastrous Rookie Mistake - The Shocking Truth Revealed!
Are you a fan of collecting and trading pins at Disney Parks? If so, you may be considering using a lanyard to display and showcase your collection. While lanyards may seem like a convenient and fun way to display and trade your pins, there are several risks and dangers that come with this method. One of the biggest dangers of using lanyards for displaying and trading pins is the risk of losing them. Even if you're using locking backs on your pins, lanyards can still be risky as they can easily become tangled or snagged on rides or other objects, causing your pins to fall off and potentially get lost. Locking backs can provide some additional security, but they are not foolproof and cannot prevent pins from falling off a lanyard in all cases. Using a lanyard for displaying and trading pins can also waste valuable time. With so many people using lanyards for trading pins at Disney Parks, it can take a lot of time to sort through them and find the ones you're looking for. This can take away from the time you could be spending enjoying the park and other attractions. Another issue with using lanyards for displaying and trading pins is the lack of protection they provide. Lanyards do not shield your pins from the elements, such as rain or sunlight, which can cause damage or discoloration to your pins over time. Additionally, lanyards can make it difficult to admire the beauty and detail of your pins, especially when they are crowded together. Using lanyards for trading pins can also be a risky move. Some dishonest traders may try to swap out your valuable pins with fake ones or pins of lower value. With so many people trading pins at Disney Parks, it can be hard to keep track of your collection and ensure that your pins are not being tampered with. So, what's the solution? Consider investing in a PinFolio or other display case that offers superior protection and organization for your pins. PinFolios are specially designed binders that allow you to store and display your pins in a safe and organized manner. They provide superior protection against the elements and other environmental factors that can affect the integrity of your pins over time. Additionally, PinFolios make it easy to admire each individual pin and showcase your collection without the risk of losing or damaging your pins. If you're interested in getting a PinFolio for your pin collection, check out They offer a variety of PinFolio options that are specifically designed to meet the needs of pin collectors and traders. Whether you're looking for a compact option that you can easily carry with you in the park or a larger option that can hold your entire collection, they have a variety of options to choose from. In conclusion, while using a lanyard for displaying and trading pins at Disney Parks may seem like a convenient and fun option, it can actually be quite risky and put your pins at risk of getting lost, damaged, or even tampered with. Using a lanyard can also waste valuable time that could be spent enjoying the park and other attractions. Consider investing in a PinFolio or other display case to ensure that your pins are safe and protected while you enjoy your time at the park. Visit to find the perfect PinFolio for your needs.
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